We receive questions from professional flooring installers regularly about certain tools and techniques. One subject that keeps popping up is '
How do you groove circles and shapes?'
Grooving vinyl and linoleum sheet flooring is a difficult skill to master on its own. Grooving circles, shapes and serpentines adds a level of complexity that many installers find difficult. This isn't something you'll encounter in every installation but it's definitely a task that pops up. The last thing you want to do is turn down a job or slow your pace down because of the shapes and designs being presented to you. Fortunately, Turbo Heat Welding Tools is here to help provide you with tips on the best ways to groove circles and shapes for great results.
There are many on the market but for this article we are going to focus on the
Master Turbo Groover. Unlike electric groovers and other groovers on the market, the Master Turbo Groover (MTG) is designed to allow you to groove by tracing the shape with your hands. Let's begin by removing the back wheels and blade on the Master Turbo Groover.
[caption id="attachment_2200" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Louie removing the back wheels from the Master Turbo Groover. Prepping to groove a circle.[/caption]
Now make sure to adjust the blade so that it is the correct depth for the material we are about to cut.
Start by laying the Master Turbo Groover flat on the ground over the seam. Place the front guiding wheel into the seam you are grooving. Since the back wheels and blade are no longer attached - just focus on guiding the front of the groover. Because of the MTG's sophisticated design you know
exactly where you are cutting by looking over the front of the groover. The blade is located directly under the front guiding wheel so you know where you are cutting every inch of the way. No guess work.
Place both of your hands over the MTG for full stability and control. Start by pushing the groover forward - keeping the front guiding wheel in the seam at all times. Don't worry about angling the groover or pushing down with enough force, the groover will do that automatically. Focus instead on simply tracing the front wheel inside the seam. Remember to keep the groover flat on the ground at all times to ensure the best results. As the seam begins to turn adjust your body to maintain full control over the groover in front of you.

It is important to keep your body over the MTG to maintain control. Over extending yourself can cause you to lose control of the groover and groove outside the seam. Once you become comfortable with the MTG, you'll be able to groove as fast as you can crawl.

With the MTG, grooving circles, shapes, and designs is that simple. No other tool combines this sort of control with ease of use. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at info@turboheatweldingtools.com
If you want to see more of this guide, check out our YouTube video on the subject. Click
here for more on Grooving Shapes and Circles.